Nata a Brasov, (Romania), lavora all’INFN dal 1992, Curceanu è autrice di “Dai buchi neri all’adroterapia. Un viaggio nella Fisica Moderna“. Un manuale di fisica, medicina, ingegneria, informatica che alimenta la curiosità e risolve enigmi, in un equilibrio perfetto tra scienza e attualità.
Dear Dr. Curceanu,
I have the pleasure of informing you that the European Physical Society(EPS) has awarded you the first “Emmy Noether Distinction for Women inPhysics” of the year 2017.
This distinction is awarded twice a year in order to bring noteworthywomen physicists to the wider attention of the scientific community,policy makers and the general public, and to identify role models thatwill help to attract women to a career in physics. The scope of thisdistinction includes personal achievements in areas such as research,education, outreach and industry.
The citation that will accompany this distinction reads:
_“Dr. Catalina Oana Curceanu is awarded the “Emmy NoetherDistinction for Women in Physics” of the European Physical Societyfor her leading role in experimental nuclear and hadronic physics, forher substantial contributions to a better understanding of low-energyQCD in the non-perturbative regime, and for her pioneering research infoundational issues. With her strong sc